Forest plantations

April 5, 2018

Both private owners and public structures with a stake in the forest are concerned by the issue of forest plantations.

It is a question that determines how the forest will be managed overall. In France, forest plantation work is regulated and defined by law.

The plants are monitored and must meet a number of criteria. It is thus a good idea to call on professionals specialized in forest management and silvicultural techniques before embarking on any kind of forest plantation work.

Artificial regeneration

In the language of silviculture, we talk about artificial regeneration when carrying out forest plantation work. An afforestation or reforestation project requires some familiarity with certain aspects of silviculture and the applicable regulations.

In France, the decision to plant or replant trees on a plot must be carefully thought through and, as far as possible, supported by professionals who will take on the role of ‘prime contractor’ for the project. Forestry consultants, professional forestry managers, wood producers’ organizations and the ONF (the French forestry commission) are able to provide valuable support and advice on this kind of undertaking, which can be quite costly.

Before planting or replanting on a plot, you need to ask yourself a few questions. First of all, you should bear in mind that the work you do will contribute to the future of France’s forests!

The Ministry of Agriculture has set out a number of recommendations, available from the Department for Agriculture and Forest (DRAF), to regulate this kind of work. For example, according to the Forestry Code, if natural regeneration is not adequate five years after the felling work, reforestation is mandatory. This measure applies to all clear felling work exceeding a certain surface area, stipulated at département level.

Yet the decision to plant or replant must not be taken lightly as it can engender some significant costs. The plantation project should be carefully drawn up and closely supervised when put into action.

Reforestation is an ecological gesture with an economic impact. It requires a forward-looking vision that gives full consideration to climate change and the latest market demands.

Choice of species

The species will be selected after analysis of the land’s potential (the depth, composition, structure and richness of its soils, the climate and rainfall levels). Sometimes the choice of species will depend on certain landscape and environmental requirements. The trees may also need protecting from deer or other factors that might be harmful to their growth.

Forest reproductive material

Specific European regulations were introduced in 1996 on the marketing of forest reproductive material. It is essential that you refer to them.

A mandatory declaration of the seed supplier is required. Likewise, the marketing of seeds, cuttings, seedlings and plants is strictly regulated by the State.

Preparing the plot

Forest plantation work is done after felling operations to improve soil structure and to encourage plant growth. Depending on the plantations, the soil is prepared at the surface or at depth.

Planting season

In France, plantation work is generally done between fall and spring. In spring, the soil is heavy and damp; in fall, it is lighter and sandy. Each species has its own soil preference.

Of course, it is not recommended you plant your trees when the ground is frozen, too dry or water-logged. A reforestation project should not be carried out in extreme climate conditions.

The origin of the plants, the density you should plant (given that not all seedlings will mature), how to protect the plantations and the necessary maintenance work such as thinning out, formative and other pruning, are all questions for forestry professionals. Forestry management requires in-depth silvicultural knowledge.

Forêt Investissement can help you choose a ‘prime contractor’ for your forest plantation work. Feel free to get in touch.

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